Frances Latham, 9th Great Grandmother born about 1610 died 1677.
Early settler of Newport, RI. Picture is from a book about
her life and times called Frances, "The Falconer's Daughter".
She was also called The Mother of Governor's. Read about
her in the Notable Ancestors blog. Click on picture.
To find this stone you must enter the "Old Section" of the Common Burial Ground in Newport. The Old Section has a wrought iron fence and is located at the corner of Farewell and Warner Streets. Enter through the gate located on Warner St. As you enter look to the left for the first turn, Dyre Ave, which is a slightly crooked road that runs toward Farewell St. If you stand near where the road bends to the left and line up with the white house on Warner St. you will be very close. In line with the white house and just a few feet in from the road is a larger stone with the name John Gash at the top. Stand beside the Gash stone facing the white house. Take 16 normal paces toward the house. You should now be tripping over her stone. You will have to bend over to read the inscription. Remember that the stone reads; Mr. Francis Vaughn. No, this is not an error. The top of the stone is adorned with an angel face and wings. When you find her stone you will be close to the Governors, Cranston, stone. Facing Frances' stone take 10 normal steps forward and you will see it. The Old Section is not very big. Happy hunting.
Hello, I am a descendant from Frances through her daughter Barbara Dungan. Last time I went to the graveyard in Newport I couldn't find her grave since the cemetery is so large. Is her grave near the Cranston Slabs? I heard in was in a governor's lot of some sort any help would be greatly appreciated. - Kenny B.
im descended from Frances through William Dungan, Rev Thomas Dungan, John Love and Orpha Dungan
my name is John Love 1982
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